Source code for

"""Creating and managing auditory stimuli
from types import SimpleNamespace
from os import environ as _env
from reiz._audio.primitives import AudioFile, Hertz, Message, Noise
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, NewType, Any

libConf = NewType(
    "libConf", Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
)  #: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any], a dictionary of types and respective keywords arguments

_defaults = libConf(
        "Message": {"start": {"message": "start"}},
        "Hertz": {"beep": {"duration_in_ms": 1000}},
)  #: libConf

[docs]def make_library(settings: libConf = _defaults, failraise=False) -> SimpleNamespace: """create a library of auditory stimuli from a dictionary of arguments args ---- settings: a dictionary of types with kwargs appropriate to the respective type as dictionary failraise:bool raise an exception if a key is not recognized. defaults to False returns ------- library: a library of instances of stimuli which can be adressed in dot.notation """ lib = dict() for key in settings.keys(): for name, args in settings[key].items(): if key.lower() == "audiofile": lib[name] = AudioFile(**args) elif key.lower() == "message": lib[name] = Message(**args) elif key.lower() == "hertz": lib[name] = Hertz(**args) else: if failraise: raise ValueError(f"{key} with {args} can't be processed") lib = SimpleNamespace(**lib) return lib
[docs]def read_folder(path: Path = None) -> SimpleNamespace: "create an audio library from path" path = Path(path) if path is None or not path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"{path} not found") library = dict() import os for f in os.listdir(path): key = os.path.splitext(f)[0] key = key.replace("(", "") key = key.replace(")", "") key = key.replace(" ", "_") key = key.replace("-", "_") key = key.strip() val = AudioFile(os.path.join(path, f)) library[key] = val library = SimpleNamespace(**library) return library
if not "DOC" in _env.keys(): library = make_library() else: # pragma: no cover mock = dict() for t, item in _defaults.items(): for k, v in item.items(): mock[k] = t library = SimpleNamespace(**mock) #: a library of auditory stimuli print("Generating sphinx documentation. Skipping visual library") __doc__ += f""" During import, a basic library will be created. By default, it contains the following set of auditory stimuli: {', '.join([str(k) for k in library.__dict__])}. These stimuli can be addressed by dot.notation from :data:``, for example like :data:`` .. automodule:: reiz._audio.primitives :members: Message, Hertz, AudioFile, Noise Create libraries of auditory stimuli .................................... """